21 October 2009

Do you know we have a church in UTHM..?

Yes, what you read is true, there is a building structure in UTHM, a lecture hall that resembles a church. Haha, catchy tittle huh..

If you can see in the picture, what do you see? I see church members listening to a nun. See at the left and the right of the structure wall...ahak.... Hallelujah!!! amen....there is two "cross" in DK-C in G3 hall. I don't know if anyone have realized it or not but, my eyes were open and this is what happens if you do "concentrate" in class if you know what I mean hehe... It makes me wonder, is this the only building or the is more other structures like this in UTHM....No wonder I feel so blessed whenever I'm in that class.

So stop asking and wondering where is God,because the answer is God is everywhere in every form. Hehe, I talk like I'm a believer :-P..Just for the thought and sharing...no offence...peace out..